"Dr. Monica"
Lead Medical Doctor/CEO
I became passionate about treating not only the body, but the whole person as a young doctor in Family Medicine Residency at University of Texas - Houston, Texas. As an Intern, I would be charged with taking care of patients and given a set of rules to follow in the care of my patients. Even then I knew that every individual could not be put into a box and treated the same way and expect to get the same result. I knew that we were made as individuals and should be treated in that way. Being raised in a family that did not spend much time in doctor's offices, as well as having a maternal great-grandmother die from a gynecological cancer unnecessarily and paternal grand parents die from complications of diabetes, I knew that I had to dedicate my practice of medicines to prevention and education.
Now, in-practice for over 25 years as a Family Medicine Board Certified physician, my practice has developed into a comprehensive program that benefits those seeking to improve their health and prevent and treat disease by getting the ROOT cause of the reason why so many of us struggle with our health. I have always spent time with my patients, even when the time constraints of conventional medicine practice were adamantly apposed to it. Practicing medicine as a Functional Medicine physician now allows me the time and tools to support my patients . The only way to heal a problem is to start at the ROOT.